Monday, August 01, 2011
Siwer sedikit, jantung bisa turun 1 cm Labels: parents
Maafkan mama ya, nak :(
posted by ketket | 1:26 AM | 0 comments
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Ahhh how time flies, 6 mo already!
So many things that my baby has achieved and it's still counting :).
People say 6th months is so exciting.
Sitting, crawling..hmm can't wait to see how Dasha learn all of it and master it.
Oh yeah, it seemed Dasha really enjoy her new skill-to-be, sitting! She mostly still hold her body using her hand while sitting, but momentarily she can sit without support.
Oh and we try to sit her in shopping cart and baby chair in restaurant. She seemed as exciting as we were. She finally can stare at our face while we were eating and playing with table, spoon or whatever within her reach :).
posted by ketket | 7:27 AM | 0 comments
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Parents can be so annoying. Labels: parents
I hope when Dasha grow up later, I wont be so fussy as my parents did.
How many times I have to said: my child, my rule!
I am totally thinking now that Dasha is toward 6 mo, maybe it's time to try her out in the daycare?
posted by ketket | 9:05 AM | 0 comments
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Since Dasha is not exclusively breastfed, Dasha will start to eat after she can sit with support (if the milestone reach before her 6 mo anniversary, then we will start at that period). It means, Dasha will need a high chair! I'd been browsing to many sites and read many reviews I finally come to conclusion: Tatamia Peg Pereggo will be Dasha's high chair (shud I find the distributor in Jakarta). Most important thing is the chair shud be recline-able, adjustable in heights, and sturdy! I think Tatamia answers all my requirement. And since Tatamia can be reclined to newborn mode, then I'll start to feed her in the chair anytime soon :).
posted by ketket | 7:24 AM | 0 comments
Monday, February 14, 2011
It's been a while since I wrote my last post..I'd been busy with my pregnancy and caring the new member of our small family in 2010. So many things to share, but for now please enjoy our new family portrait :) Labels: family
posted by ketket | 8:59 PM
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tujuannya: Yah, setelah hampir mau bunuh diri karena bosan dengan kerjaan gw minggu kemaren (baca: rugi melulu), akhirnya gw nemuin aktivitas baru yang bisa distract gw dari keinginan bunuh diri gw. Tiap siang gw sekarang aktif ngirimin email "Pic of This Afternoon" yang gw kirim tepat abis jam makan siang gw.
Gambar yang gw kirim mostly, yang sarkas dan lucu atau gambar2 yang agak sedikit tolol maknanya quotes2 yang mungkin kurang mendidik (contohnya kaya yang disamping ini)
1. Mencegah gw bunuh diri
2. Bangunin temen2 yang mungkin pada ngantuk abis makan siang
hahahaha..Soalnya ga ada maknanya banget tuh email gw untuk perkembangan kepribadian ataupun otak..the pictures just mean to cheer everybody up :p
posted by ketket | 8:17 PM | 2 comments
Friday, February 06, 2009
Labels: tips
posted by ketket | 9:12 AM | 3 comments