Monday, February 27, 2006

I'm Home

I have just realized that taking this road, means:

Less sleep.
Less SMS.
Less phone calls.
No internet connection.
Less flexibility.

There are some price I have to pay (yes, you have to pay it either, darling!)

But somehow..I don't know why..

I feel like I'm home.

posted by ketket | 11:30 PM | 6 comments

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


This is my last day using this user and connecting to internet (hopefully I'll get another user in my new place).
This is my last day as an official employee here.
This is my last day, in my messy desk.
This is my last day using this computer.
This is my last day I receive mails with my office's (or my x-office's) domain.
This is my last day here.

Two big things in my head.

Hard Work & Work hard.

posted by ketket | 4:50 PM | 8 comments

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Buat kalian yang sering baca blog gue..mungkin heran ya, kenapa gue jarang banget curhat tentang masalah gue. Biasanya gue cuma nulis-nulis keluhan2 (makian2) gue dalam tulisan-tulisan pendek yang nggak bisa dikategoriin sebagai puisi, gurindam, carmina, atau bentuk seni tulisan lainnya. End up dengan bikin kalian bertanya2.."Kenapa lagi nih anak?"

Well, thanks anyway guys! Good to know, I am being cared.

Postingan gue kali ini, masih nyambung sama dua postingan yang sebelumnya. Sekuel lah ceritanya. Yup..gue udah nggak di persimpangan jalan lagi sekarang. I've made up my mind.

Gue mau pindah kerja.

Dan ternyata proses pengambilan keputusan ini, nggak segampang yang gue kira. Gue selalu mikir, begitu gue dapet better offer (of course I'm talking about material things), gue akan segera hengkang sambil tertawa-tawa. But I didn't. Not at all.

Banyak hal yang menimbulkan keragu-raguan, diantaranya: so many love and friendship in this place (sambil melirik pada bangku kosong di samping gue, karena yang empunya lagi meeting dan mengintip sosok berkacamata di sela-sela komputer yang menghalangi) ; ada banyak ekstra kurikuler yang gue ikutin (dari mulai band, paduan suara, koperasi, dan berbagai lomba).

But nothing about the job itself.

What the hell am i doing here anyway?
Surely not looking for love and friendship or some extra activites.
But the fact that I'm surrounded with lovely people here..really make me feel blessed.

Jadi apa dong yang gue cari?
Perkembangan. Improvement.

Gue nggak merasakan perkembangan dalam diri gue. Bukan salah tempat gue kerja.
Maybe I just don't fit in.

And for that reason, I'm leaving this place soon.
Bringing all the love and friendship I have here, in my heart.

Wish me luck.

posted by ketket | 3:51 AM | 7 comments

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Female, 26 yr, Jakarta

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