Wednesday, March 08, 2006
I feel so sleepy.
I'm puzzled. Ran out of time. And eat much :).
I'm dealing with deadlines. Important deadlines.
So many things to do in so little time.
I finally start my theses writing, with all the blindness of the topic I've chosen.
Come on..light up my spiriiittttt!!!
In addition, song of this period (until further notice):
dark is the night, i can weather the storm,
never say die, i've been down this road before,
i'll never quit, i'll never lay down,
see I've promised myself that i'd never let me down, so
I'll Never give up, never give in
never let a ray of doubt slip in
and if i fall, i'll never fail
i'll just get up and try again,
never lose hope, never lose faith
there's much too much at stake,
upon myself i must depend,
i'm not looking for place to show, i'm gonna win
no stopping now, there's still a ways to go,
ohh, someway, somehow
whatever it takes i know,
i'll never quit, no, no i'll never go down
i'll make sure they remember my name
a hundred years from now
P.S: Ngga penting amat yah? Hehe.
posted by ketket | 9:05 AM
7:55 PM ime' said...hehehhe, emang gak penting :)):)) tapi, menurut statistik ketidakpentingan gue, justru kalo lagi ngantuk bawaannya nulis-nulis :)):)) pas ngantuk, nulis pas banyak =))=))
good luck for your thesis
chaiiiyyyooooo *apa siiihhh???? lebih gak penting lagi :P*