Sunday, May 14, 2006
Eh bener ngga ya nulis deg-deg-an kaya gini?
Anyway..apa kabar semuanya ??? Loha?? Haluuu?
Long time no hear from me huh?
Heheheh..maklum ceritanya kan gue lagi nyasar...
I'm surely just fine. Tapiii..deg-deg-an (okey..kalo ada yang tau gimana cara nulis deg-deg-an yang bener, please tell me yaa..)
Minggu depan, bakal jadi penentuan..whether I will stay permanent or not in my new office..yup end of my probation period. Makanya jadi lupa deh..ternyata dah lama banget gak update.
Wish me luck ya guys..
Anyway, gue nemuin quotes yang lucu-lucu di internet gitu, here I give you some:
Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back.
Last night, I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and thought to myself
"Where the heck is the ceiling?"
If it were not for Thomas Edison, we would all be watching television in the dark.
Before borrowing money from a friend, decide which you need more.(Friend or Money !)
HUahahaha...udah ah.. :)
posted by ketket | 2:00 PM
8:50 PM ime' said...moga-moga permanent yaaaa ;)
tapi dengan catatan: LO KUDU APDET SEAPDET-APDETNYA!!!
ketket san, konichiwa ....
wish u lack yack
makan - makaaann !! :D
3:16 AM said...Eh, Ket .. nemu quotes juga nih dari Reader's Digest :
+ Why lawyers are burried twice deeper than anyone else ?
- Because deep down inside they're actually a good person
he2 ..